Cosmetic Surgery Info

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  • Skin Whitening Injections: Do They really work?

    February 25, 2020 by

    When it comes to dark skin, both men and women in Pakistan experience the side effects of it. People with dark skin often hear bad remarks about them. White skin tone is regarded as the most acceptable facial feature in Pakistan. Therefore, people with dark skin tone find relief through skin whitening in Pakistan.

  • Always pick the Best Dermatologist for skin whitening Treatment

    February 20, 2020 by

    Make sure you pick a skin care clinic where dermatologists administer skin whitening injection in proper dosage. Normally 300-600 grams of glutathione is regarded safe. But only an expert knows what is the best injection dosage for you. There are many clinics that offer skin whitening in Pakistan but only few of them work best.

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