What involves in a Botox Treatment?

Do you want to know how botox is performed and what exactly involve in this cosmetic process? If that is the case, then I would like to explain every single step of it one by one. Continue reading and explore more.

Initial Consultation and Counseling: The very first step is one when your dermatologist provides every single information related to a procedure to you. He tells you what are side effects and what you expect in the form of results.

Have some question related to Botox in Pakistan? It’s your time to get clear answer for every single question related to this procedure.

Plan a Session : If you want to go with treatment then you can plan a session. You book an appointment by taking help from clinic staff.

Anesthesia: To keep this procedure pain-less and discomfort-free, a dermatologist suggest you to have an aesthesia which is a cream applied on the treatment area almost an hour before the treatment. However, when you don’t mind a feeling where ants are biting you then you can take this treatment without an anesthesia. It’s your call to make.

Wrinkle Assement: Your dermatologist asks you to make some expression so he can identify the muscles which need treatment. If your muscles and face has a pre-existing asymmetry or ptosis then you will be informed. A picture is always taken to keep a record.

Injection: A dermatologist carefully injects certain areas of your skin. He uses thin insulin syringe for this purpose. Ice packs will be used just after injections just to alleviate your discomfort level.

Post-injection care: To get the best results from Botox in Islamabad, make sure you don’t do any kind of heavy weight lifting or exercise after the procedure. Don’t sleep or lie down after 3-4 hours. You can’t do any facial massage at least one week after this treatment. Revisit: Plan another visit where your dermatologist will see the effect of Botox injections in your skin. If results are not according to desire, then he might administer few extra shot

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